Micromine 2020.5 Release Interview – Gordon Thomas

As part of the launch of Micromine 2020.5 we sat down with some of the key team members working on this release to hear their thoughts on the progress in technology, what the future holds. We are speaking today to Gordon Thomas.


Tell us a bit about who you are and what you do/did for this software release?

I am a Technical Product Manager for Micromine and I work with Frank Bilki and Andrew Esmaili to ensure that the development team know the features that are required in the software and how those features will be used by geologists and mining engineers in their work. For Micromine 2020.5, my work focused on (i) implementation of the new built-in solver for Scheduling, (ii) interactive definition of stope designs, (iii) additional reports for the Pit and Stope Optimisers, (iv) improvements to the Gantt Chart and reports for Scheduling, and (v) improvements to the grade-tonnage curves.


What are you most excited for in this release?

The ongoing improvements to the Gantt Chart and reports, combined with the new built-in solver’s ability to produce more optimal solutions in less time, continue to demonstrate Micromine’s commitment to meeting the significant challenges faced by mine schedulers.

Group span with Task Labels


What was the most challenging aspect that you/the programmers developed?

Integrating support for interactive definition of stope designs within 3D block models into Micromine’s Vizex visualization environment proved to be quite challenging. However, the result is a useful tool that makes it easier to define and visualise proposed stope designs within the confines of the block model.


What capabilities offered in this version do you think will affect the market the most?

The new Point Cloud to Solid tool and the even spread of improvements across charting, geostatistics, implicit modelling, surface blast design, ring design, grade control, and scheduling should ensure that Micromine 2020.5 has broad market appeal.


Point cloud into wireframe


Is Micromine 2020.5 an industry leader/innovative product? Why?

Micromine 2020.5 is an innovative product that provides a fully-integrated set of tools for visualization, data analysis, resource modelling, mine design and scheduling for application across the entire mining value chain. In the words of Aristotle, its whole truly is greater than the sum of its parts.


Where do you see the future of Mining?
In the relentless drive to minimise costs and improve safety, mining will continue to become more and more automated. Real-time material and environment scanning technologies will combine with real-time equipment dispatch and monitoring systems driven by automated scheduling engines to ensure that mines can react quickly to changes in circumstances and/or product requirements, minimise the requirement for personnel in hazardous areas and maximise the safety of those who are required to be there.

Micromine 2020.5 will be released later this month. For more information and to see some examples of the exciting features Gordon and the team have been working on follow the link below.


Visit the Micromine 2020.5 page